Steel Manual – PDF


Published by the Steel Institute VDEh


Technische Daten:



20,0 x 24,0 cm

218 pages including many multi-colour illustration and a flow chart: The production routes from ore to steel


Bei dem Produkt handelt es sich um ein E-Book im PDF-Format. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen ist ein Drucken und Kopieren des Werks nicht zulässig und daher nicht möglich.

The product is an e-book in PDF format. For copyright reasons, printing and copying the work is not allowed and therefore not possible.


Kategorien: , Artikelnummer: 20817


Steel Manual

Published by the Steel Institute VDEh


In education and training this book has been used as a valuable training manual for several decades. Also non-experts in the industry and trade wishing to acquire some general knowledge about the material steel and the production and processing routes of steel appreciate this brochure as a useful, easy to understand introductory work. The current edition has been completely revised, for the first time including the topic of plant management.

German Edition: STAHLFIBEL
Turkish Edition: ÇELİK REHBERİ



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1 Stück


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