After COVID-19: Survival strategies for Steel Distribution, SSC and Steel Trade
After COVID-19: Survival strategies for Steel Distribution, SSC and Steel Trade
14.00 – Welcome address & Compliance Guidelines, Daniel Guinabert, EUROMETAL Director General
14.10 – COVID-19 impact regarding EU Steel industry and Distribution, Andreas Schneider, Stahlmarkt Consult
14.30 – Evolution of EU Safeguards and other Trade defence measures, Yuriy Rudyuk, Van Bael & Bellis
15.00 – Challenges in EU Steel Markets in coming years, Colin Richardson, Argus Media
15.20 – Discussion: What are the strategies and challenges for the steel distributors, SSC and steel traders?
Fernando Espada (Steel Service Centres), Robert Kay & Fabrice Guazzoni (Multi-product Stockholding Distribution), Alexander Julius & Julian Verden (Steel Trading)
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