Asset Tracking in der Stahlindustrie
21. November 2022
Secondary Metallurgy of Steel (engl.)
Das Seminar „Secondary Metallurgy of Steel“ der Stahl-Akademie des Stahlinstituts VDEh ist englischsprachig.
- Overview: Tasks of modern secondary metallurgy
- Requirements of materials technology to metallurgy
- Chemistry crash course: How to read phase diagrams
- Thermodynamic and kinetics for secondary metallurgy
- Fluid dynamics in the ladle
- Kinetics of special reactions in secondary metallurgy
- Deoxidation
- Calcium metallurgy
- Metallurgy of
- the ladle furnace
- ladle tank degassing
- RH degassing
- VOD and AOD process
- • Special melting processes, especially ESU
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